bright flowers next to candle on sequin
pink and white watercolor splash

Spark your nature and
ignite your life with
creativity, connection and joy!

Corrine Fosnaugh headshot with pink sparkle dress

I see you:

  • Feeling like life isn’t very fun or engaging. 

  • Maybe a medical issue, divorce or toxic workplace has you beat down and out of sorts. 

  • You don’t know what to do to feel better… drinking, overeating and doom-scrolling are not bringing lasting happiness. 

  • You used to feel like you had a light within you but now it is dimmed.

  • Feeling exhausted and uninspired. 

  • Feeling alone, underappreciated and isolated.

  • You seem to have forgotten what is special about you. 

  • Feeling depleted  because you give so much to everyone else. 

  • Or maybe you're retired but not getting as much out of life as you had hoped. 

Things can be different…

It is normal for life to have its challenges. They happen to me too. But you don’t have to stay in that place that they bring you to. 

You want to wake up excited in the morning!  You want to feel seen and heard.  You want to express yourself and feel more alive.  You want your light to shine bright! You want to feel more connected to yourself, your creativity, and your community.

But you don’t know how. 

I can help!

Corrine Fosnaugh standing in front of Montana Ranch

In front of the ranch that I used to live on in Montana

Hi! I’m Corrine

(it rhymes with queen)

I’m glad you’re here!

I help people cultivate more connection, creativity and delight in their lives, refreshing and revitalizing them. I love working with people to help them remember what they enjoy and how to implement that into their lives. 

Creativity has always been a part of my life. I remember as a kid living in Montana that I would paint pictures and write poetry for fun, sitting in the middle of a field with the mountains and big sky surrounding me. Nature, appreciating what was around me,  connecting to that creative flow, grounded me. 

As I grew up, I experimented with  dressing up to make a statement or for whimsy. I love meeting new people and learning about new places which probably stems from living in Montana, San Diego, Iowa, Illinois and Italy. I started creating experiences, like when I transformed our home for my daughter’s under-the-sea birthday or when I took elementary students on a virtual trip to Japan. 

From this life that includes creativity, connection and delight, I have created a signature offer to help you reconnect with what lights you up inside and reminds you of how wonderful you are!  

The party when my decorating went a little “overbaord”!

Are you feeling like life just isn’t that fun anymore? I offer two ways to help you feel better: a course or coaching!

The Course: Finding Your Light: 7 Weeks to Connect with Creativity, Connection and Joy

Coaching: Finding Your Light: 90 days to Connection, Creativity and Joy

Course: Finding Your Light: 7 Weeks to Connect with Creativity and Joy is a live small group format that meets weekly for 7 weeks.

Coaching: Finding Your Light: 90 days to Connection, Creativity and Joy is an individual format meeting every other week for 3 months. We cover the same areas as the course but by working individually, I can customize our focus to what is most important to you.

What to expect:

  • We can meet in person or over Zoom.

  • We meet for 1 hour a week and focus on different areas of life each time, cultivating connection, creativity and joy.

  • You can expect new practices and suggestions that help support your transition into a joyful life. A list of Invite Delight Action Items inspired by the theme of the week lets you choose your own adventure and focus on expressing yourself in a way that is meaningful to you.

  • Any type of art is welcome, whether that be painting, writing music, collaging, doodling, creative writing, baking, gardening, woodworking… whatever you enjoy! 

At the end of our time together, you will have a bounce in your step, and stand a bit taller. Having been reacquainted with your inner self, you will feel empowered to be more of who you are.

You now know how to invite delight and how to take time for yourself because you understand the positive impact it has on you and those around you! Your life is enjoyable like you always hoped it would be!


Marina testimonial headshot

“Corrine’s course, Finding Your Light, has fostered my curiosity about things that delight me, and given me permission to pay attention to those positive emotions that arise from creativity and connection. Allowing myself to focus on and notice what brings me joy makes it easier for me to feel joyful and to respond encouragingly to my family and those I work with. I am seeing my creativity as a unique and meaningful aspect of myself that is worth honoring, and that’s a great feeling!

This course transformed my idea of how much time I was able to make available to focus on my interests and creative pursuits. When the class started, I never thought I’d be able to attend all the sessions, but by the end, I couldn’t wait for class and was surprised how I was able to flex my schedule and get support from my family to make it happen. They could see how important connecting to my creative self is for my individual personhood, and when I am thriving as a person, I am a better wife and mother as well.

If a little part of you resonated with the goals of this class to find your joy, creativity, and delight, please, listen to that intuition inside and say yes.

Even if it’s just a glimmer, that could be the part of you that most needs to shine, that maybe is connected to how you used to see yourself, or who you’ve always wondered if you could become. There’s no more creative and welcoming guide than Corrine. She really can help you find your light!

~ Marina

Erin client testimonial headshot


I’m going to be honest. Finding Your Light is not the kind of thing I would normally sign up for. However, all of the reasons I wouldn’t usually take this course (hectic schedule, general cynicism, etc.) are the reasons I NEEDED to take the course. It is so easy to get stuck in the “Mom Identity Rut”. Paralyzed and doom scrolling because you don’t have the motivation to carry out the same mind-numbing activities that you do every day. Carving out that small amount of time every week to spend on ME was liberating!

As a busy woman, it can feel like a waste of time engaging in certain activities that might bring you joy. There are stereotypes of activities that many women fall into. The first two involve women using coffee or wine as your “joy” or coping mechanism. While there is no inherent problem with either of these, they do not make up a personality. The last is the Mom with the side hustle. Our society is all about monetizing hobbies.

In Finding Your Light, one of the topics we came back to again and again is the idea of giving yourself permission to do things you enjoy. The concept is that you don’t need to be good at something to enjoy the doing of it. If it brings you joy, it is worthwhile.

Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Joy is very personal and it spreads. Allowing yourself to experience it can spiral out into all aspects of your life and bring joy to others around you. Corrine is THE MOST joyful person I have ever encountered. I have learned powerful lessons just by being around her. If you want to learn how to be more connected to yourself and what makes you happy, she is the best teacher you could ask for!

~ Erin

Some Beautiful Resutls from Joy Events and Classes

After the Storm 

 by M. Summers 6.22.24

As the darkening clouds drift apart

The rays begin to emerge

Reflecting the moisture in the sky

Just barely peaking through 

Generating a glimmer of hope

Although the humid haze saturates the still air

Droplets illuminated on the thicket foliage appear

Spotlighting the emerald hues of prairie and wood

Catching the angles of light 

Brightening a discouraged heart

Reminding us 

After the storm

There can be


Prairiewoods Joy Workshop

Joy Course

…Additionally, my purse and jumpsuit from Amazon are a success! Super comfy, fun and flattering, and more socially acceptable to wear to the grocery store than pajamas! Something to wear on the weekend besides work clothes!!

Contact Corrine